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Uday Kapoor

A beginner’s guide to jumping the Ashoka Fence

So you’ve decided the 6 hour window is way too restrictive for you to stay inside campus. What’s the point of blanket permission if you can’t go out after 12 am? You came to UNIVERSITY, not prison, right? And what’s the deal with the 9 foot fence?

Step 1: Get Help. Jumping the fence will probably require a bunch of friends to give you a leg up, talk you through the process, and most importantly, accompany you on the other side. You can’t use your newfound freedom by yourself – that’s no fun.

Step 2: Acquire a ladder and a support group. These are the most important tools for you to be able to scale the fence [the author is not aware if the fence is electrified]. You may have to yell obscenities at your friends to convince them, but the best ideas require the strongest of wills and the crassest of mouths.

Step 3: Look around for guards. Great (and dangerous) ideas will always face opposition and you don’t want anyone in your way. Avoid them, distract them by any means necessary, because this moment is pivotal. This is the final test of your resolve, so spit in the face of adversity and protect your adventure.

Step 4: Climb. Now that you have everything you need, climb the ladder and don’t look down. The boundary wall has nasty points and you’ll only get impaled if your resolve falters. Watch out for flying drones with drugs as they may zip past you and knock you out.

Step 5: Jump to the other end. Make sure to roll! A soft landing ensures your survival. If

possible, cushion the landing for your friend who will follow. If you’re the first one to jump,

brace for impact, carry pain relief spray and reread your to-do list when you’re out.

Step 6: Now that all of your friends have made it, you can have a heated discussion about what you actually had to accomplish before it’s 6 am and the sense of rebellion is dead. You can call yourselves fugitives, but only if you have done anything worthy of that word. You’re just getting started.

Step 7: You are now faced by a choice. You may return at 6 am having done nothing but sit by

the fence, not going beyond the faint light emanating from campus. Or you may choose to walk into the dark, take a cab, and truly feel the sense of adventure – you and your friends may be on to great things! You can choose not to return, or you can choose to return later, sharing what you learnt in your sojourn with the friends who chose not to go.

Congratulations! If you have made it to the end, write to the author detailing your experience. For educational purposes, you may share the ideas you have had that made it beyond the fence, which is perhaps more daring than actually scaling the fence.

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