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  • Sia Sarin

The Freshers Fallacy: Balancing Study and Sleep (or Lack Thereof)

Life at Ashoka University is like a wild rollercoaster ride that warps your sense of time into a

bizarre, delightful taffy pull. It's been two months, but it feels more like two minutes in a whirlwind of adventures that even a cat with a caffeine addiction couldn't keep up with.

I've met some fascinating folks here, and their quirks make Shakespearean characters look

positively dull. We've shared moments of laughter, deep existential crises, and perhaps the greatest mystery of all – the ever-changing cafeteria cuisine.

But amid all this, there's one aspect of Ashoka life that's a rite of passage, a challenge that even the most seasoned Ashokans face. It is the bewildering experience of navigating our sprawling 25-acre campus after an all-nighter.

There's days where you, the light sleeper with no classes until 3 PM, are jolted awake by the

cacophony of multiple alarms. Your roommate, on the other hand, remains in blissful slumber, unaware that they've enlisted you as their personal wake-up call service. To cope with the sleep you unfairly missed in this process, you successfully waste your day napping.

So, when you decide to embark on a late-night reading adventure in the library, you might

expect to find a haven of quiet study. Instead, you stumble upon a scene straight out of a post-apocalyptic movie. Depressed seniors, questioning their life choices in the dead of night, are huddled in corners.

As you sit to complete your readings for the next day's discussion session, you realize you're not alone in your struggles. Procrastination and relatable internet memes beckon, and you find yourself scrolling, losing track of time. You decide to refuel at Rasananda, hoping a plate of their momos will boost your productivity.

But here's the catch – as you return to the library, blissfully unaware of the time, you realize that you've accidentally pulled an all-nighter reading, just to avoid looking like a complete fool during the morning class. It's a strange phenomenon where the campus is always bustling, and you hardly realize how early or late it is.

Now, as you hurry to class, you can't ignore the pangs of guilt for leaving your sick friend behind, who is suffering after having pasta from the mess. Finally, you reach your classroom, twenty minutes late and sporting a look that can only be described as 'zombie chic' Your TF gives you a sympathetic nod, clearly understanding the ordeal you've just been

through (or assuming you had a funner Thursday night than you actually did). The session

becomes a hazy blur as you drift in and out of consciousness, desperately trying to absorb some nuggets of knowledge between micro-naps.

And as you stagger out of the classroom, you find yourself amidst the strange sculptures that once seemed like quirky landmarks during the day. They've now turned into ominous sentinels, silently mocking your disoriented state. You stand at a crossroads, wondering if you've somehow slipped into an alternate dimension overnight. In the midst of this sleep-deprived chaos, you find yourself trying to stick to a schedule you wrote on your dorm whiteboard during a 3 AM 'get-your-life-together' motivation surge. Is this a cruel experiment in disorientation, you wonder?

So, navigating our campus in the aftermath of an all-nighter is akin to a surreal journey through a sleep-deprived purgatory, where the mundane can turn into a wild adventure. Even the most familiar paths morph into enigmatic labyrinths, and the clock seems to play hide and seek with time. But remember, you're not lost; you're on an adventure called the freshman year of university, where time and sleep are both elusive creatures, and caffeine is a staple in your diet, whether you like it or not.

Welcome to Adulting –it sucks, but you’re gonna love it!

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