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  • Arav Patel

Ashokan forgives friend for sexual harassment but draws line at taking lift from first floor

In a rare step, an Ashokan student has decided to hold their friend accountable for their actions. Experts are suggesting that this is a ground-breaking revelation in normative ethical theory. Last week, Mukesh finally decided to disapprove of his friend Baditya’s inexcusable behaviour – taking the lift down from the first floor. This isn’t the first time he has come to the limelight. He was also accused of sexual harassment last semester.

Kalinga speaks to Mukesh in an exclusive interview, which is quoted below:

“Baditya was a great friend of mine, but when I found out that he was regularly taking the lift down from the first floor, I was disgusted and shaken to the core. I could never imagine him doing such a thing. I always assumed he was only capable of minor misdemeanours such as sexual harassment, but nothing this serious.

“When I first heard of these allegations, my first step was to blame the lift for this. If the lift had not been so conveniently placed right in front of his room, this would have never happened. When I confronted him about the situation, he promised me that it was a one-time thing because of his recent injury and that he only did so because the lift was empty. It was almost as if the lift was inviting him to step on it by opening right in front of him. Even though multiple separate people have told me he's a serial lift-abuser, I chose to dismiss all of their allegations before this. Does that make a bad person or in any way complicit in his actions? No, I do not think so. I regularly let women speak in DSes and signed a petition for non-cis-men-only hours.”

When asked about this, Baditya categorically denied all allegations against him and then asked us what these allegations were. He proceeded to threaten us with an ARC complaint and something called a “Mera Baap.”

By holding his own friend to the same moral standards as random faceless people on the internet, Mukesh has started a revolution in Ashoka. Many more students are being vocal about holding their peers accountable. A UG25 who did not wish to be anonymous (but because it was a long day, I forgot to ask their name) was quoted saying, “I will now start calling out people who spam my email inbox and waste two precious seconds of my life”.

DISCLAIMER: The name of the alleged lifter has been changed to be completely anonymous and unguessable at the request of the Dean who received a wordy email from sources close to “Mera Baap”.

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